Friday, January 2, 2009

News from the Library -- December 15, 2008

This week we took a look at the famous, well-known poet, Jack Prelutsky. Intermediate & Upper classes listened to several entries from PIZZA, PIGS, and POETRY: How to Write a Poem. Using personal stories of his own, Prelutsky teaches readers how to turn their own experiences and stories about their friends, their family, and their pets into poems. We had many laughs as we read some of the stories and poems in this book! If you are one that loves poetry, dreams of being a poet, or needs inspiration for a classroom poetry assignment, this book is for you. Check it out at the Mann Library!

First & Second Graders enjoyed listening to poems from another new book written by Jack Prelutsky titled: AWFUL OGRE RUNNING WILD. The unforgettable Awful Ogre is back and still irresistibly gross in this sequel to AWFUL OGRE'S AWFUL DAY. Students learned that poetry books can be found in the Non-Fiction section of the library and got a chance to locate these books in the 811 section. They also had an option to check-out a poetry book as their 2nd book choice. Be on the look out for these fun poetry books that your child brings home, and have fun reading them together!