Friday, January 2, 2009

News from the Library -- January 5, 2009

After two weeks off for Winter Break, this week was spent reviewing Library Rules & Expectations and reading some really fun and informational books. First grade listened to THE SHELF ELF which helped them revisit proper library behavior and book care. During reading, everyone had a chance to practice using shelf markers just like the main character Skoob the Shelf Elf does. After reading, as a whole class, we brainstormed a list of Library Rules on chart paper.

Kindergarten got a chance to predict what a Book Wolf is before reading the story WINSTON THE BOOK WOLF. This story is a twist on the classic Little Red Riding Hood and depicts good vs. evil. Everyone fell in love with Winston the Book Wolf as he realized that words taste even better when you eat them with your eyes! Ask your child about all of the characters they spied in the illustrations from other Fairy Tales.

Second grade listened to GOLDIE SOCKS and the THREE LIBEARIANS, a clever twist on an old classic. Sound familiar? Goldie Socks takes readers on a journey as she encourages them to find a book that's just right for them. Second graders have been working really hard during check-out in choosing a book that is just right for their reading level. Have your child practice reading by sharing their book with you. Their second book choice can be a "dream" book: a book that is too hard, poetry, or nonfiction books about animals/solar system, etc.

Skoob the Shelf Elf is back! Intermediate classes had a refresher course on the neighborhoods in the library as we read the book THE SHELF ELF HELPS OUT. Pastel illustrations along with fun and informative text, helped students remember the Dewey Decimal System and take a walk through the Non Fiction section of the library. This was a great pre-activity to get us ready for the Optimist Good Reader Program that starts January 12th.